
Accessibility is an essential attribute of the environment that guarantees the improvement of people's quality of life.

  • Accessibility

    Visually impaired

    Dosvox Narrator Software: Performs computer usage narration. Download

    Windows Narrator Software: Narrates text books and computer files; Tool available natively on Windows.

    Computer keyboard in Braille: Physical keyboard with larger letters and cells/dots in Braille.

    Common magnifying glass: Magnifying glass to support people with impaired vision.

    Electronic magnifier: Magnifier for reading with enlarged display on the computer.

    Canes: Used frequently by people with joint problems.

    Physical Books in Braille: Provide conditions for access to personal independence and educational training.

  • Accessibility

    Hearing impaired

    Prodeaf Software: PC software and mobile application that converts speech or writing into sign language. Download

    Hand Talk mobile application: Application that converts speech or writing into sign language. Android / IOS

    Vlibras Software: PC software and mobile application that converts writing into sign language. Google Chrome / Android / IOS

    Subtitled video classes DL: Subtitled video classes for online courses.

  • Apresentações


    Núcleo de Apoio Psicopedagógico - Download

    Dificuldades de Aprendizagem - Download

    Libras - Download

    Cartilha de Orientação Atitudinal - Download

    Guia da Acessibilidade - Download